Japor Snippet Commission

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

This little piece was commissioned by a buddy who's a huge Star Wars buff. He had always wanted the pendant that Anakin gives Padme in Episode 1. Despite my personal aversion to most of the prequel trilogy, this was a quick and fun build. The pendant itself was carved out of a block of resin, then sanded and stained. I drilled a hole through and looped a rough-looking leather thong through to The box is pine and weathered with a dremel, followed by a quick coat of woodstain. It was then sanded again to reinforce the aged image. I lined the box with a burgundy felt and pasted a specimen tag on the lid to add an old "collectors piece" feeling to the item. I wanted it to look like it had been floating around the galaxy and changing hands multiple times before coming to rest with the current owner.


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