Props: Panzerforge's Answer!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A little something I made to get the word on ye olde Facebooke.

Japor Snippet Commission

This little piece was commissioned by a buddy who's a huge Star Wars buff. He had always wanted the pendant that Anakin gives Padme in Episode 1. Despite my personal aversion to most of the prequel trilogy, this was a quick and fun build. The pendant itself was carved out of a block of resin, then sanded and stained. I drilled a hole through and looped a rough-looking leather thong through to The box is pine and weathered with a dremel, followed by a quick coat of woodstain. It was then sanded again to reinforce the aged image. I lined the box with a burgundy felt and pasted a specimen tag on the lid to add an old "collectors piece" feeling to the item. I wanted it to look like it had been floating around the galaxy and changing hands multiple times before coming to rest with the current owner.

Smuggler's Pistol

Monday, May 20, 2013

Star Wars has always been my first love when it comes to an engaging universe chock full of props waiting to happen. I hadn't done anything from the SW genre in a long time, so this was the result. It was based off a mid-90s toy blaster I picked up for 25 cents at a garage sale. The poor thing languished in my parts box for some time before I hauled it out and dressed it up. Nothing too special here... just a basic distressing job with oil-rubbed brass kyrlon and some brilliant silver rubbed over the top. I extended the barrel with some lathed aluminum and added a scope from a monstrously accessorized toy Beretta pistol I bought at Walmart. Green acetate went over the lenses of the scope to add some character.

This was a quick and cathartic build, added to by the fact that it was made entirely from things I had lying around in the workroom. I must confess, it's a fun piece. I've been running around the house with this one and shooting at invisible stormtroopers!

A long expected blog post...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Well, here we go. I finally decided to get a separate blog for my prop and costume work. Theoretically I can now have a space unique to this stuff so's I can stop cluttering up my Facebook and Youtube feeds with prop/cosplay stuff. Hopefully this all works out!